Freedom of Information Act

Information requests made to the Illinois State Board of Investment (“ISBI”) are governed by the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (“the Act”), 5 ILCS 140/1 et seq. If any requested records will be used for a commercial purpose, please disclose that fact when submitting the request.


Some records are immediately available on the website, including:
Board Meeting Notices, Agendas, and Minutes
Certain investment information
Annual Reports
Quarterly Financials
Proxy Voting Guidelines
Investment Policy


If ISBI determines that a request is for a commercial purpose, ISBI will respond in 21 business days. For all other requests, ISBI will respond in 5 business days.


Please note that under the Act, a public body is not compelled to provide answers to questions posed by the inquirer nor does the Act require a public body to create a record it does not maintain.


Submit requests to the FOIA Officer:


Samantha McHugh
Investment Compliance Officer & FOIA Officer
Illinois State Board of Investment
180 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2015
Chicago, IL 60601


In accordance with the Act, there is no fee for records that are sent electronically. The first 50 pages of black and white, letter or legal-sized paper copies are provided free of charge and then are $0.15 per page. ISBI reserves the right to charge for the reproduction of color copies, copies that are not letter or legal-sized, and shipping expenses.


ISBI Governing Statute: 40 ILCS 5/22A

TTY: (866) 325-5401